
The speed of change brought about by Artificial Intelligence in the field of learning is remarkable and has significant implications for education and training.  

What impact has this had on the skill set required by your Project Managers and internal L&D teams:  

  • How do they stay ahead of these technological advances? 
  • Is this adding a dimension to their role that isn’t their core skill set? 
  • Is this taking more of their time than you considered? 
  • Is it not achieving the results you envisaged?

With Accentua’s wealth of expertise and knowledge in this fast paced, ever-changing environment, we can help to ease some of these stress points for your teams, so that they can focus on what they do best whilst we support them in the background with translation support, doing what we do best. 

#AIinLearning #LandD #eLearning #LearningandDevelopment #keepthepace #Accentua #onyourteam #Projectmanagers #Translation