
Here at #Accentua we are frequently stressing the point that to successfully develop global colleagues and team members and achieve both the impact and ROI you desire, it is critical to translate your content into the local language for: 

  • accuracy of content and interpretation, thereby accurate understanding of the word at the point of the delegate,  
  • along with correct cultural and respectful representation  
  • representation, ownership and sense of inclusion from the other global teams – representing their views vs head office interpretation of their views, needs and situations.  

I have the good fortune to be part of an amazing group of generous female L&D thought leaders and practitioners on LinkedIn – #WomenIn created by Helen Williams of Thrive Learning.  

 So, I sought out their thoughts for independent views vs that of our own clients – as that would be a little too cosy in feedback! 

I posed the below: – 

“A question for you all, when you are delivering international programmes, do you find you get better engagement, retention and enablement if you localise content?” 

I had many replies validating and commenting re: 

  • the benefits of securing local engagement in design as essential  
  • the need to support different locations and allow representation, exclusivity. 
  •  the percentage of content that needs localising as part of the whole curriculum and areas where it was essential to do so to maintain corporate identify, manage budget and achieve local impact – it seems the 80/20 rule applies 
  •  the absolute need to use a glossary and determine tone of voice.   

But I believe the below sums it up beautifully: 

“Hi Leigh, this is Kirsty Lewis from School of Facilitation. https://www.schooloffacilitation.com 

We train and facilitate multicultural teams. Having translated content and subtitled videos has enabled every participant to connect with the content effectively. 

By keeping the content in English, we can be accused of adding a colonial lens! 

Translating content creates accessibility, is easier for people to process and make-meaning”. 

So thank you @Kirsty and contributors in the group – I’m so glad to have our beliefs and guidance to clients validated. 


#LSP #languageserviceprovider #translationservices #languagepartner #trustedpartner #localisation #globalworkforce #eLearning #LandD #Learninganddevelopment