L&D planning – the dichotomy between training priorities & requirements
It is the responsibility of employers to ensure that they provide relevant training & development opportunities for their workforce. But which types of training should be a priority and does one type of training supersede another?
There is a dichotomy between the demand for skills-based workforce development, maintaining compliance, H&S and HR standards, and the delivery of more knowledge-focused leadership development. When delivering such diverse #L&D opportunity types to a global workforce, the nuances which come with #localisation add potential complexity which must also be considered.
In such a scenario, would your business take a blanket approach to #language selection & localisation style, or use tailored modes of expression? Would you prioritise a homogenised #linguistic #translation, recognisable in multiple #global regions? Or adopt a nuanced use of dialect specific to each location?
At #Accentua we work with our clients on every project to establish the linguistic choices they need to consider in conjunction with the focus and purpose of the project itself. Contact us to find out how we can support your language requirements as part of future L&D project planning. #letstalk