The Continuing Need for Learning at Speed

The changing world of work continues to forge ahead as we enter 2022, and with it comes the increasing need for staff to learn at speed, in order to keep pace with change.
People learn most effectively when materials and resources are easy to find and access. The challenge for L&D teams, therefore, is to be agile enough in their learning provision to enable their workforce to access relevant, up to date information at a point of need and in an appropriate format.
As L&D providers, the scope of this quest for accessibility and relevance of content expands considerably when supporting a global workforce and the need for simultaneous #localisation.
#Accentua offer a wide range of #languageservices from #translation and #voiceover to #subtitling and #interpreting, designed to enhance the agility of L&D delivery in the global workplace. Our team is geared to move at the pace of your project ensuring timely content delivery to your target audience.
Talk to us about how Accentua can help ‘tune the engine’ when it comes to your global content delivery. #letstalk
#languageserviceprovider #lsp #translationagency #learninganddevelopment #landd #globalworkforce #elearning #globalteam #globaldelivery #globalcontent #fastpacedlearning #speedofcontent