Make your localisation strategy a success

Painting a picture of opportunity, backed with evidence aligned to company goals, is critical when getting budget approval for any project. But making it real, exciting, and visible is something else entirely.
Creating enthusiasm for a project, aligned to business goals, is a winning strategy – but sometimes getting the message across can be difficult.
Credible information needs to be included in the business plan for the target area so it’s worth considering the following points to help explain why localisation is a critical factor and should not be overlooked when budget is being allocated:
SHOW ME THE MONEY – Define the revenue opportunity and explain how translation will support exposure in new markets and customer demographics.
SHOW ME THE SALES OPPORTUNITY – Back up your forecast with accurate data highlighting the market opportunity in other global territories via non-English-speaking customers.
BE FIRST TO THE POST – What are your competitors doing? What geographical areas are they expanding into? Are you losing sales as a result? Is localisation being factored in as part of expansion and investment costs when business planning?
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE – If you want to gain loyalty, communicate in your target audience’s own language to improve customer satisfaction.
SET EXPECTATIONS OF BUDGET – Compare with peer groups in similar industries and countries.
YOU’VE GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT – If you are entering new global market areas, you need to embrace it properly from end to end in how you communicate, engage, respond, and manage your client to increase and maintain client loyalty, acquisition, and retention.
WALK IN THEIR SHOES – Ask yourself, would you or the person you are seeking budget from buy a product they don’t understand or be confident in customer service backup if they can’t communicate?
Let’s connect and discuss how we can make your localisation strategy a success!
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