
Are you broadening your horizons to new target audiences or integrating new colleagues from around the world? 

Whether you’re aiming to attract new global clients or welcome international colleagues post-merger, effective communication is key to fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring everyone stays informed. 

Consider all areas of your business operations: health and safety, HR, risk management, and compliance. How do you ensure these are effectively communicated across diverse regions? 

When designing new Learning and Development (L&D) content, do you factor in how to localise this content effectively? Localised content has been proven to boost sales by engaging your target audience in their native language. 

A recent industry poll by a leading software vendor in the translation space revealed that 73% of enterprises plan to localise more content in the coming year. If this resonates with you and you need support in identifying the best way forward, we are here to help. 

#Mergerandacquistions #Newcolleagues #Globalmarkets #newclients #Globalaudiences #LSP #Translationservices #Localisation #Communication #LandD #Expandyouroffering #Contentlocalisation