Energising Business…

Whatever your politics, a new government on a mission for change and new policies to stimulate growth are a welcome set of actions.
Reflecting on the policies being released under our new government, and growth in the ecosystems of the key sectors below:
- Green, clean renewable energy
- Mental Health
- Defence
- EU Trade
- Home Building
Where will you be focused for skills development, service supply, resources, and materials? Which country, in addition to the UK, will you be collaborating with for resources, materials, and skills?
In order of priority, which languages are you and your organisation targeting to achieve your business goals this year?
- Central European
- Eastern European
- Asian
- African
- Nordic
- Americas
- Other?
Please comment below. Let’s collaborate and grow together!
#Accentua #Translationservices #LSP #Languagesolutions #BusinessGrowth #SustainableEnergy #MentalHealth #Defence #EUTrade #HomeBuilding #SkillsDevelopment #GlobalCollaboration #LanguagePriorities